HOPE Ministries offers

Various services for you to be

Engaged. Encouraged. Empowered.

Couples – Marriage Mentoring
Mediation. Teaching. Caring Confrontation.

Are you longing for intimacy and CONNECTION?
Are you tired of being STUCK ? Do you want to MOVE FORWARD?
Do you desire to create a SATISFYING relationship? One in which you feel loved and respected?

Then Love and Respect Marriage Mentoring is for you!

The Vision:
To guide couples towards a healthy and functional relationship where respect and responsibility create a loving and lasting connection.

The Focus:
Helping each couple solve their own unique set of issues and conflicts.

The Results:
  • how to ‘Round the Bases’ and SCOR
  • how to ‘fight’ effectively
  • how to negotiate conflicts efficiently
  • how to tear down strongholds

Grow in love, respect, intimacy, connection.
Transform. Couples who are willing, humble, teachable and committed can experience a transformation in their own individual life and in their lives together.

We, Robert and Monica, are certified Love and Respect Marriage Mentors. It is our joy to  mentor: premarital couples, couples in crisis and couples longing to enrich their relationship. We mentor in person and virtually.
We are not a replacement for any necessary clinical or pastoral counseling.

Please contact us:
  • for more information,
  • for a FREE 15-minute consultation or
  • to BOOK your sessions


By meeting with Robert and Monica on a regular basis, my husband and I have the tools that we need to work out our marital issues.

I love the unique style of Monica’s teaching. She is extremely creative and she receives Revelation during our sessions. This is exactly what our marriage needed.

I love the way Robert and Monica interact with each other I can see that this method works for them and it is working for us. C. G.

Meeting with Robert and Monica’s Care group has really helped my wife and I work through everyday issues. Their communication and conflict resolution guidelines and resources has saved our marriage. Their time invested in us has given us hope and a bright future. J. G.

For Women ONLY

Lay aside the things that hold you back and keep you stuck. Enter into a season of self-discovery. Engage in self-awareness, self-love, self-compassion and self-control.  Ironically, this leads to less selfishness, less demanding, less neediness and less controlling behaviours.   If you need help, reach out and get equipped with some tools and be empowered through coaching. In person or through media.


Monica helped me understand the importance of loving and valuing myself. J.L.
Monica made me feel heard and supported. She also had a wealth of wisdom to impart. L.B.
Monica has trekked a path for me to follow. I’m following her modeled strategy to overcome. N.H.
I have made noticeable progress in just two months of mentoring with Monica! N.K.

For Men ONLY

Men, I look forward to the opportunity and privilege to share with you some of the breakthroughs that have made a major difference in my individual life and in my relationship with my wife. Change is possible, even at 60!   I’ve experienced a transformed way of living. I’m eager to share with you a few skills that can bring healing and wholeness to any troubled marriage. Feel free to contact me.

 ONLY stands for:

  • Owning. Taking responsibility for and owning all your feelings and choices.
  • Noticing. Making observations and noticing behaviour instead of critical judgments.
  • Listening. Being an attentive and reflective listener so the speaker feels heard, understood, valued and validated.
  • Yearning. Expressing your desires, longings, preferences, wants, needs and yearning of your heart. This works better than grumbling,  complaining, or assuming others can read your mind.   

Transformational Movement.

Move. Meditate. eMerge. 

Move your body. Meditate on the truth. eMerge with God’s power, peace and purpose.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

Strengthen Your Soul Sequence
(inspired through RYMMz. See resource page.)

David strengthened himself in the LORD his God. 1 Samuel 30:6 NASB

Movement to help you look to you Maker and look like your Master.
Use your body to impact your soul and strengthen your spirit.

‘I am Strong’ sequence

Be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. Ephesians 6:10 WEB

Gestures to remind you and help you instill healthy, functional lifestyle skills. Each gesture and declaration corresponds to the letters in the word STRONG. Start and end your day Surrendered to God and Surrounded by Love.

Teaching and training available. Individual, couples or group sessions.
Most moves can also be done or adapted to a chair movement if necessary.

Praising Postures
Simple movement to Scriptures.
The Lords’ prayer, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Psalm 103:1-4, The Armour of God, The Fruit of the Spirit, and “I  surrender” all chorus.


These movements are like putting on the Armour of God. It has inspired me to wake up from my slumber, stir my spirit to meditate on the vital things Christ wants us to do daily.  It especially helped me to let go of trying to do His work on my own strength. K.C.

The exercises get me “out of my head” and releases inner stress.  It puts my mind on Christ and out of my circumstances. P.S.

Monica is helping to inspire me to move, memorize scripture and link body, mind, spirit and emotions. K.C.

Let go of your control video

This is the second movement of my Transformational Movement: Move. Meditate. eMerge, called: Strengthen your Soul. After the movement, I surrender to the Sovereignty of God.

Love your identity video

This is another movement and meditation from my Strengthen your Soul Sequence. After I do the movement, I declare several identity statements.

Contact me for how you can learn to incorporate these movements into your life.

A Healing Journey with Biblical Oils.  

Enjoy the fragrance and benefit from the vibrational frequency of 12 Biblical essential oils. This sensory experience is physically healing, affects your emotions, calms the nervous system and has spiritual significance. Feel the rhythm of God’s heartbeat for you as you hear blessings spoken over you and through worship songs. Reflect on questions to draw you closer to the heart of God. Participate in prayer and the LORD’S table. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Psalm 23:5  

  • Allow God’s healing presence to permeate your soul, as you journey from one oil to the next. May you go from glory to glory and strength to strength.

This journey can be booked for two or even three hours for maximum benefits and can be done in the following ways.

  • Just for YOU! Your personal time on the Healing Journey.
  • Friends Together. Come with another friend or two and go on the Healing Journey together.
  • Couples Connecting.  A special time  of sharing the Healing Journey with your spouse.


God broke something in me that morning. I loved receiving what each oil meant & what it signified. I felt so loved & each oil healed a part of me, I especially was ministered to when Monica anointed our feet.  S.L.
I never knew how significant and useful the oils were in the Bible until Monica delighted us with a vast array of Biblical examples and presented these oils for us to try. K.C.

Encounter God Sessions

Encounter God’s extravagant love and healing for you. Come and encounter God in the stillness and solitude of a sanctuary of sacred space prepared for you.

During this guided silent retreat time, be open to hear and receive what the Lord reveals to you through prophetic items in six rooms. Engage in suggested contemplative questions and prayer, come dialogue with God and hear the whispers of His heart towards you.

Are you looking and longing for an inner healing touch from God?
Come and let God touch your inner child.

Lost your hope? Your dream seems impossible?
Come encounter the God of all hope.

Are you struggling in your marriage?
Come talk with the wonderful counselor and lover of your soul.

Do you need to surrender to the sovereignty of God?
Come bow before his majesty.

Dealing with sadness, sorrow or grief?
Come find comfort as you pour out your soul to God.

Are you in need of refreshing, renewal and or rest?
God is waiting to meet with you and restore your soul.

This is YOUR special time in the Lord’s presence.
BOOK your time in the God Encounter Rooms with Monica.

JUST FOR YOU: Enjoy as much time as you like to go through the rooms at your own pace.
FRIENDS TOGETHER: Share this space together with up to 6 people. Allow for 3 hours.
COUPLES CONNECTING: Experience the Encounter God Rooms together with your spouse.


I enjoyed the stations in the Encounter God sessions because they helped me to visualize, touch and experience things. It was like 3D come to life. The silence was a GREAT idea. P.F.

I loved the quiet sessions seeking God and the props were wonderful. S.L.

I found that this time spent with God was the most helpful thing for me as through Monica’s station questions, scripture confirmations and visual set up, I was able to come before Jesus and listen to Him.  The silent prayer helps me to focus on my shortcomings, see how God sees us and dance with Him like the Bride He made me to be. K.C.

Transformational Healing Retreat.

Do you need to get away and de-stress?
Envision a weekend to re-connect with friends and God.
Refresh. Re-focus. Relax.

Get together for a Unique Experience! This is available for up to six people.

A Retreat weekend consists of a Friday evening workshop with a Transformational Movement sequence.
A sleepover, slumber party is optional, when possible these days!

Saturday morning, Encounter God in silence; dialogue and listen to Him as you go through six prophetic healing rooms.  
Enjoy a relaxing afternoon: catch up on sleep, take a walk, create a collage or just hang out!
Experience a refreshing and renewing time with ‘A Healing Journey with Biblical Oils’, in the evening. 

Food and snacks are organized by host or can be arranged together with Monica.


It was a wonderful weekend and it was well worth the money & the time  spent away. I would highly recommend this weekend retreat to anyone who needs to be renewed & refreshed & healed & challenged in their faith walk. S.L.

Thank you for such an amazing weekend with God. I felt so loved and uplifted this weekend to see God in a new and fresh way. He restored and healed my heart. S.L.

 Thanks for the time spent in God’s presence teaching us His amazing truth, getting us to light our lamps again, renewing our inner man. K. C.

LEAN Lifestyle Lectures. 

Informative. Fun. Interactive. What, Why and HOW to live a LEAN lifestyle.  Power point presentation along with practical participant interaction.

  •            Loving yourself as Christ loves you.
  •            Exercising eagerly.
  •            Attractive Attitudes.
  •            Nourishing Nutrition.

 Take Charge of Your Health with these 4 Workshops!

Prevent illness – Reduce risk of disease – Help your body repair itself
Invest in your future health NOW!

These workshops will help you:

  • Get the MOTIVATION you need to be fit and healthy
  • KEEP your immune system strong and working for you
  • CONTROL your waist size rather than let it control you
  • REDUCE your stress and more!

Each 1.5 hour workshop includes a Dr. Sears Prime Time Health power point presentation, hands-on activities, multiply handouts
and a healthy snack. Plus Monica adds a biblical basis to these workshops.” Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be healthy, even as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2
Workshops can be arranged on a weekly basis or over a weekend; Friday night and Saturday.


LEAN: I found that the format was simple and straightforward and you added the positive energy in your teaching that made me look forward to each class. C.M.

Speaking engagements. 

Monica has a passion to see other women set free to soar. She is available to speak or lead a workshop at women’s groups or retreats. She savours sharing her story and journey from abuse to abounding to showcase the glory of God. The fear, trauma and shame that once crippled her life and had her on medication, is now gone.

Together with her husband, Robert, they openly share their marriage struggles and the separation that in the end saved their marriage. They both found freedom, healing and wholeness individually and later together learned a whole new set of relational skills. They have replaced  traumatic bonding with trust and a secure attachment. They are eager to encourage and offer hope to other couples and individuals that change is possible! They are thrilled to  impart their toolkit with  others to help them thrive. Invite them to your home group or church to hear their testimony.

Robert delights in sharing with other men, what God has done for him.  And how he became a true son; overcoming his anger and need to control. Invite him to share at your men’s fellowship.

Annual Seminar. Awake. Arise. Advance.
Overcoming Abuse and Trauma.

The goal is to Educate. Equip. Empower.

If you or someone you know is experiencing or has experienced abuse and trauma, this seminar can help educate, equip and empower you.

If you are in a church or community leadership position, this seminar can provide an understanding of the complexities of this difficult issue and assist you in offering beneficial and practical responses.

Monica has facilitated these seminars for three years now with the help of professional counsellors experienced in the area of abuse.


Abuse lurks in every culture, in every society, in every sphere of life. Abuse happens to the rich and the poor, the young and the old. It happens regardless of colour, shape or size. It happens in every religion and faith. It happens to children, women and men.

Abuse alters a life. It affects what we believe, how we think about ourselves, others and the world around us.

Simply put abuse is … (click link below to get FREE PDF)

A Hidden Secret

In the church today!
Click HERE for FREE PDF 


“This difficult and delicate topic was handled with grace, understanding and compassion”

“Excellent speakers. Crucial information. Useful handouts.”

“So much information and love about a very difficult topic.”

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 WEB

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